Volunteering Tours

Maximize your happiness by sharing with others! 

Social Work ignited by the purest feeling of humanity is the most satisfactory art of all. Keeping this mind, we offer unique opportunities to serve while you travel. These trips will definitely prove to be more than just wandering and make your time more worthwhile. You get to travel with a humanitarian agenda. It does not require any kind of expertise, but it would certainly be better if you do. All you really need is a heart of gold and the confidence to grab the opportunity to extend your help to the ones in need. You travel, learn, explore, interact and above all do something impactful and worthwhile. 

The Volunteering Tours invite you to be of help in various fields such as:

  • Early Childhood Development,
  • Orphanage Homes,
  • Environment & Water Research,
  • Nepal Teacher Development,
  • Community Health & Medical Care,
  • Women’s Empowerment and many more

Find more information through the packages below. We can help you alter the itineraries to fit your preference. 

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