Ultra Flight


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Ultra Flight Overview

If you want to fly high in the sky, then Ultra flight is the best package you may be longing for.

Ultra flight in itself is quite an extra thrilling adventure and Nepal just elevates the thrill with its scenic treasures. 

You can experience the same high that the Wright Brothers felt in a cockpit-like structure without the uncertainties of obsolete technology.

There are different flights which are from 15 minutes to 90 minutes long and can get as high as 5000m. They do have different prices starting from $150-500.

The flight just makes you realize the freedom of birds that always experience the open skies, the sparkling mountains and get to soar so high while enjoying spectacular views.

The flight is very easy to operate and can land on many flat terrains including dirt roads. So one can fearlessly conquer the obstacles and live in the moment during their ultra flight ride. You may experience that the snow-covered mountain near you. You can get amazing views of valleys, lakes, snow-capped mountains and other natural attractions.

Himalayan Trekkers will surely provide the best price for this adventure sports. You will only take the best experience flying in Nepal by observing scenic mountain views with lakes and valleys which will be great stories to share with your friends and family members.

What is Included / Not Included


Why Us

  • Guaranteed Satisfaction
  • Transparent Price
  • No hidden fees
  • Experience of a More than two decade
  • Personal Touch & Professional Service


US $ 522.50

Note: This expense includes bank charge of 4.5%

Payment methods possible

  • asso1
  • asso1
  • asso1
  • asso1
  • asso1

Contact Information

Mr Raj Dhamala

+977 98510 42334

[email protected]

Thamel-26, Kathmandu, Nepal

Mr Sadeep Dhungana

+61 4516 05387

4/8 Florence StCoburg, 3058, Melbourne, VIC Australia

Clement Sourdillat

+33 7660 92460

22 rue ND de Nazareth 75003 Paris France

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