Humla Limi Valley Trek - 20 Days

Humla Limi Valley Trek

Trip Info

Trip Duration

20 Days

Max Altitude

4,995 meters at Nyalu La Pass m



Start From


Trip Ends At


Humla Limi Valley Trek Overview

Humla Limi Valley Trek Overview

The Humla Limi Valley Trek is one of the best off-beaten-trail treks in the western part of Nepal. It is a great opportunity to explore the isolated region of the country that is hardly visited by others. This trekking trail just opened from the year 2002. 

Far from modernization, the Humla district lacks economic resources but reflects the true enigma of spiritual and natural beauty. The communities are largely unaffected by modern development because of their remote location. The people of Limi Valley practice old traditions and lifestyles very much influenced by Tibetan Buddhism. Even now, shamanism and centuries-old Buddhist traditions play a significant role in daily life here. Agriculture & animal husbandry is the primary occupation of the people here and the valley also has some trade route to Tibet.

Our trekking trail to Humla Limi Valley passes through the lush vegetation of natural herbs, yak pastures, and cultivated land crossing through many ethnic villages. Some of the rare wildlife like snow leopards and blue sheep are known to be found in the area. Hence, you may see the elusive snow leopard, Himalayan blue sheep, jackals, hyenas, and musk deer while on this walk.

You will travel through a lonely area and cross the Nara La pass (4995 m), which offers breathtaking Himalayan vistas, on the old salt trade and pilgrimage route that runs along Nepal's and Tibet's borders. Mountain views of Saipal, Byas, Rishi, Api, Kanjirowa, Kanti in Nepal, and some views of popular and sacred Mount Kailash across the border in Tibet can be seen in this trek.

Humla Limi Valley is a camping trekking journey where you tent in breathtaking locations amidst snow-capped mountains and stay in little traditional Buddhist towns. And, very few permits are issued to this beautiful Limi valley of Humla district as a way to conserve the ecosystem and the peaceful environment. 

Humla Limi Valley Trek Highlights 

  • Experience the real adventure, isolation, and unique lifestyle and culture
  • Walk through the ancient salt trading route
  • Traverse past the two stunning high mountain passes, Nyalu La Pass at 4995 meters and Nara La at 4620 meters 
  • Fantastic views of mountains like Mt. Saipal, Mt. Api, Mt. Kanjirowa, Mt. Byas, Annapurna, Rishi, etc.
  • The stunning view of Mount Kailash which sits in the Tibetan Plateau
  • Opportunity to discover the beautiful alpine meadows that are a haven for wildlife and plants
  • Flora and Fauna like Blue Sheep, Snow leopards, blue sheep, jackals, hyenas, musk deer, yaks, wild horses, rhododendron, etc. 

Humla Limi Valley Trek Difficulty 

The Humla Limi Valley Trek is considered a challenging trekking journey. The trek is considerably long and remote and often requires you to trek for 6-7 hours each day. Prior trekking experience is not mandatory but it is always an advantage if you have engaged in any kind of trekking activity. Hence, a good level of physical health and mental determination is required. 

As this trek involves trekking past the Nyalu La Pass, which is located at 4995 meters above sea level, Altitude Sickness which is also called AMS can be a challenging aspect. The biggest prevention is properly acclimatizing and there are ample possibilities for proper acclimatization given the length of the trek. Other preventions are hydrating yourself, taking a properly balanced diet, getting enough sleep, etc.

Another difficulty you could face in your Humla Limi Valley Trek could be because of bad weather. Therefore, you have to keep updated with the weather of the region and choose the best time to complete it. 

Best Time to do Humla Limi Valley Trek 

Unlike other mountain trekking journeys in Nepal, Humla Limi Valley is best done in the summer/monsoon season as it is a rain shadow area. While the other parts of the country are drenched with rain, especially during July and August, the Humla Limi Valley has dry sunny days with the vegetation at its best state of the year. 

Spring and autumn are also the best seasons to do the Limi Valley Trek when the temperatures are pleasant and the weathers are stable. The skies remain clear and blue allowing the trekkers to get views of the mountains and terrain clear. 

Winters are not recommended for the Humla Limi Valley Trek because of the harsh cold weather and the dropping temperature. The routes are also covered with thick snow, especially at the higher parts making it hard to pass by it. 

Permits required for Humla Limi Valley Trek 

As Limi Valley is a restricted, more like an isolated region, you will need to obtain a permit known as Special Trekking Permit to do the Limi Valley Trek. Only two or more individuals may obtain a permit for this area, and only through an officially recognized Nepali trekking agency. Hence, your permit for Humla Limi Valley Trek will be issued by Himalayan Trekkers on your behalf.

Trip Facts

  • Guaranteed Satisfaction
  • Transparent Price
  • No hidden fees
  • Experience of a More than two decade
  • Personal Touch & Professional Service

US$ 2,999 P/P

US$ 2,999.00

US$ 134.96


Note: This expense includes bank charge of 4.5%

Quick Inquiry

Itinerary Details

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,350m)
30 min private drive
Max Altitude: 1350 m

Once you are at the Tribhuvan International Airport, you will be greeted by one of the representatives from Himalayan Trekkers. Then you will be escorted to your designated hotel in Thamel or around and till your hotel check-in. After you rest and freshen up, we will have a short discussion session regarding your Humla Limi Valley Trek. Later, if time permits, we can go for a walk around the streets of Thamel Bazaar and get a glimpse of the lifestyle of Nepal’s biggest tourist neighborhood. It is a commercial hub full of 16 different business lines including trekking and tour companies, hotels, restaurants, clothing shops, trekking gear shops, souvenir shops, bakeries, clubs, and pubs. This busy and chaotic town also houses many small temples, stupas, and shrines in the corners.

Accommodation: Standard Hotel in KTM
Day 2: Kathmandu sightseeing & trip preparation
5-6 hrs sightseeing
Max Altitude: 1350 m

After breakfast, we will start your guided Kathmandu sightseeing from Boudhanath Stupa which is the largest Buddhist stupa in Nepal and one of the biggest in the world. It is one of the seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Kathmandu and is a really beautiful place to be. It represents Tibetan Buddhism as it was to route to trade things between Nepal and Tibet. In fact, the area surrounding the stupa is known as “Little Tibet” where most of the residents are of Tibet origins. The stupa is a giant white structure in dome style with a golden pinnacle and Buddha eyes painted in four directions. It is decorated with colorful prayer flags adding some color to the plain white structure. 

After exploring Boudhanath Stupa, we will drive to Pashupatinath Temple and explore this wonderful site. It is one of the oldest Hindu temples in the country and is also one of the 4 important Hindu sites in the world. UNESCO listed this site as a cultural heritage in 1979 AD. There are hundreds of small temples, shrines, and monuments in the temple open to everyone whereas the main temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva is only open to Hindu pilgrims. There is a cremation site on the bank of the holy Bagmati River where you might get to witness the open-air Hindu Cremation ceremony. 

We return to Thamel by the late afternoon where you can visit the trekking gear shops and buy the equipment you need for your Limi Valley Trek. This is the best place to buy or rent trekking and climbing equipment or your favorite snacks.

Meals: Breakfast
Accommodation: Standard Hotel in KTM
Day 3: Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj
50 minutes
Max Altitude: 150 m

After breakfast around noon, we will transfer you to the airport to board a plane to reach Nepalgunj situated in South Western Nepal, in the lowlands of Terai. This less than an-hour flight offers you to have an amazing aerial view of the mountains on a clear day along with the distinct landscape, valleys, towns, and rivers. Once you are in Nepalgunj, we transfer you to your hotel before we go for the evening strolling around the Market.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Best Available Hotel
Day 4: Fly from Nepalgunj to Simikot
40 minutes
Max Altitude: 2950 m

We rise early in the morning so that we can board the earliest aircraft to fly to Simikot airport from Nepalgunj. As you step out of the aircraft you will witness a different world. Simikot lies in the midst of the Himalayas and is headquartered in the Humla district. Simikot airport also serves as the starting point of the famous Mount Kailash & Manasarovar Lake Tour/trek.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Lodge
Day 5: Trek to Dharapuri
5-6 hrs
Max Altitude: 2300 m

Today, we start the trek of our Humla Limi Valley Trekking journey. We leave Simikot after breakfast and after walking for an hour, we cross a small 3000m high pass and go down one more hour to Majgaon. Majgaon has a mixed population of Hindus and Buddhists. We further go down as the trail goes greener at this lower altitude. After walking for about 4 hours, we reach Dharapuri for the night. You can take a walk around the village after a brief rest if you feel like it in the evening. 

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Lodge
Day 6: Trek to Kermi
4-5 hrs
Max Altitude: 2670 m

We have a short day to walk today as we only walk for 3 hours before reaching Kermi. So we can have a late start after exploring the Dharapuri village in the morning. We start following the trail along the mighty Karnali where we see the fields of barley, buckwheat, rice, and potatoes.

Kermi has the majority of Buddhist people and its major attractions are Laikyo Gompa and Lhundrup Choeling Gompa, both are about half an hour’s walk from our campsite. 

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 7: Trek to Yalbang
5-6 hrs
Max Altitude: 3020 m

After a warm breakfast, we walk for 2 hours and cross the Sali River. On the bank of the river, there is a small settlement with a few tea shops. We walk further on a high trail through the pine forest and the clear Karnali River below the cliff. On the way, we encounter a lot of Mule caravans.

Usually, the caravan leaders are the local villagers moving from one place to another for barter and trade. In 4 hours, we reach the Namkha Khyung Dzong Monastery of Nyingmapa lineage with about 135 monks living in. Then, further 45 minutes of walk leads us to Yalbang our overnight camp.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 8: Trek to Muchu (3120 m) or Tumkot (3380 m)
4-5 hrs
Max Altitude: 3380 m

Leaving Yalbang village behind, we begin today’s trek along the Karnali River again and pass the little village of Yangar. The path is mostly “Nepali Flat”. In some parts, the path is spectacularly carved out of the rocks, and you find yourself walking in a kind of three-sided tunnel. You’ll notice that the environment is changing as it is getting rockier and the big pine trees make way for smaller bushes.

In 4 hours we will be at Muchu. If you want to further walk for an hour we can camp at Tumkot rather than Muchu. Although Muchu doesn’t lie on the main trail it is an interesting village and the famous Dhungkar Choezom Monastery lies in this village. So depending on how tired you are on a particular day we can camp as per that.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 9: Trek to Yari (3700 m) or Thado Dunga (3750 m)
5-6 hrs
Max Altitude: 3750 m

We have so steep climb at the beginning of the day. The landscape gets more rocky and desolate. The few trees left are low junipers. A little bit of walk goes through an under-construction road. We will walk past the village of ani Palwang where we stop for lunch. In another couple of hours, we reach Yari for the camping but if you wish to continue for one more hour we can reach Thado Dunga.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 10: Trek to Hilsa (3720 m) via the Nara La Pass
7-8 hrs
Max Altitude: 4620 m

This is the longest day and one of the most physically demanding as we cross the Nara La. The view is very much similar to the Tibetan landscape so is very enriching. We reach Tado Dunga from where the trail becomes steeper. A further walk of a couple of hours leads to the Nara la pass but it is visible from distance.

The pass has a pile of stones as people believe adding stones to the pile brings good luck, prayer flags, and a panoramic view of the Tibetan plateau. From the pass is a hard and steep descent to Hilsa. You have the choice of Homestay but we recommend camping as homestays may not be available in peak tourist season.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 11: Trek to Manepeme
4-5 hrs
Max Altitude: 3990 m

Today we walk for about 5 hours before reaching Manepeme. You leave Hilsa, crossing a big iron bridge. At the other side of the river, a small, slightly difficult trail winds its way over a slope, until it connects with a larger trail high on the slope.

This trail follows the Karnali River in an eastern direction up to Manepeme. The path climbs gradually with a few steep ups and downs. You walk in a dramatic landscape of bare, steep rocks in amazing colors.

Note on Accommodation: There are no settlements between Hilsa and till. Manepeme is a small flat area close to the trail and close to a water source where it is possible to cam

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 12: Trek to Till
8-9 hrs
Max Altitude: 4000 m

After starting the day in 2 hours we reach Ya Yip Phuk cave which was used by Lotsawa Rinchen Sangpo (985-1055 A.D.), a famous translator of Buddhist scriptures for meditation. His activities were crucial to the revival of cultural exchange between Tibet and India, paving the way for the so-called second dissemination of Buddhism in Tibet.

The trail is green and rocky at times. We climb 30 minutes to Lamka La from where you can see Til and its white monasteries. We walk downhill for another one and a half hours before reaching the Chorten gate, which is the entrance to the village of Till. This village has a big Tibetan influence which can be seen in the lifestyle, buildings, and clothes of the locals.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 13: Trek to Halji
5-6 hrs
Max Altitude: 3660 m

After breakfast at Till, we start our walk. Today we have a 3 hours easy walk to the village of Halji. The path follows the Limi River upstream and it is relatively flat walking. The trail offers a nice view and in addition, you can see some local animals including the snow leopard if you are lucky enough.

Upon reaching Halji we see the Richening Gompa, built in the 14th Century. This is the central attraction of the Limi Valley because of its religious importance.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 14: Trek to Jang
5-6 hrs
Max Altitude: 3930 m

From Halji, we follow the trail along the Limi Khola and in 4 hours we reach Jang, the last village in the Limi Valley. It’s very special to be in such a secluded place where the Tibetan culture still continues relatively untouched, as far from the modern-day world as you can be. 

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 15: Trek to Talung
6-7 hrs
Max Altitude: 4370 m

We are departing from the Limi Valley today and its authentic Tibetan villages with their friendly people. There is no settlement en route before we reach Kermi and we will be walking through a very isolated area. The trail is windy in the second half and requires a slow pace. We will end up in Talung after 4 hours.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 16: Trek to Shinjungma (3620 m) via the Nyalu La Pass
7-8 hrs
Max Altitude: 4995 m

This is another long day comprising a high pass, the Nyalu la. The climb is difficult because of the ice and snow. After reaching the top of the pass we can witness Tibet and Humla. Two of the most fascinating peaks you can see from Nyalu la are Mt. Kailash (6714 m) and Mount Saipal (7031 m).

We go down from the pass to the Lake Selma Tso at 4630 meters then go down until we cross the Sali River.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 17: Trek to Kermi
4-5 hrs
Max Altitude: 2670 m

This is the first time in 1 week that we go below 3000m. It’s a pleasant walk through pine and birch forests and along the beautiful Sali River with rocks towering on both sides of the trail.

The trail meets the Karnali River again and turns east towards Kermi village. In Kermi you can relax your tired muscles in the hot springs, a great reward for your efforts in the last few days!

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Tented Camp
Day 18: Trek to Simikot
5-6 hrs
Max Altitude: 2950 m

We walk through a pleasant trail in the first half. Walking past Majgaon, we climb for about 2 hours and reach the 3000-meter high pass. After 30 more minutes of going, we reach down back to Simikot, concluding your Humla Limi Valley Trek. Once in Simikot, rest for the remainder of the day. In the evening, you can take a walk around the town and its market.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
Accommodation: Lodge
Day 19: Fly Simikot-Nepalgunj-Kathmandu
1+ hour flight
Max Altitude: 1,350 m

Today we will fly from Simikot to Nepalgunj after breakfast or board the first flight. Once in Nepalgunj, we will take another scenic flight to Kathmandu. Then the remainder of the day is on your own in Kathmandu. You can visit the nearby cultural heritage site or take a stroll around the Thamel area buying some souvenirs for your friends and family. You can also visit one of the spas or natural therapy centers to give some comfort to your tired legs from continuous trekking days. In the evening, we will gather for a farewell dinner at one of the authentic Nepali restaurants in Thamel where we can share our experiences, and feedback with each other while enjoying the delicious food. 

Meals: Breakfast & Farewell Dinner
Accommodation: Standard Hotel in KTM
Day 20: Final Departure
30 mins drive to airport

As the departure day has arrived, we will transfer you to the airport after breakfast or 3 hours prior to your scheduled flight to your home country or onward destination. 

Meals: Breakfast

What is included / not included


  • All airport Arrival/departure transfers by a private vehicle
  • 3* standard category accommodations on a twin/double sharing basis in Kathmandu with breakfast
  • Best available hotels/lodges/guesthouses on a twin/double sharing basis in Nepalgunj, Simikot, and Dharapuri
  • Tented Camp accommodations on a twin-sharing basis throughout the trek 
  • All necessary tents, kitchen equipment, and camping gear for the trek
  • Guided heritage sightseeing in Kathmandu
  • Heritage Site Entrance Fees
  • Professional & experienced English-speaking city guide 
  • Professional & experienced English-speaking trekking guide 
  • Private Transportation for all required ground transfers 
  • All meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner with tea/coffee) during the trek 
  • Sleeping bag, Down jacket (if required)
  • Accommodation, Meals, wages, allowances, insurance, Medical, and equipment for Himalayan trekkers’ Trekking Guide and the supporting crew
  • All required Permits for Humla Limi Valley Trek 
  • Welcome/farewell dinner
  • All applicable government taxes and official expenses


  • International airfare
  • Nepal Visa fee
  • Airport Departure taxes/Excess baggage charges
  • Lunch & Dinners in Kathmandu
  • Medical evacuation in case of emergency
  • Personal expenses such as phone calls, laundry, battery charging, hard and soft drinks, etc.
  • Personal gear & clothing
  • Travel Insurance
  • Expenses incurred due to mishaps, landslides, strikes, political unrest, etc. In such case, extra will be charged as per actual
  • Any other expenses not mentioned in the included section


Accommodations during Humla Limi Valley Trek 

Humla Limi Valley Trek is full-on a camping trek as there are no ready-made roofs to spend the night in. There are a few residential houses in some parts of Humla and Limi Valley where you can ask one of the house owners to join in. If they do not allow it, it is fully a camping trip starting from Kermi. Before, Kermi, in Nepalgunj, we include your stay in one of the best hotels in the city. Then, in Simikot and Dharapuri, there are few lodges with basic services. 

And as for the accommodations in Kathmandu, our standard package offers stays in 3* standard category hotels on a twin/double sharing basis. However, if you want to upgrade the hotel types or want to have a single supplementary, we can organize them for you at an additional cost. 

Meals during Humla Limi Valley Trek 

In Kathmandu, you have a wide range of options to choose from. Hence, we do not include lunch & dinner during your stays in Kathmandu in our packages. You will find dishes from different ethnical communities of Nepal to many other countries. Nepali, Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, Western, and Continental are the most easily found in the city. 

The options in Nepalgunj are pretty much decent but do not expect as of Kathmandu. You can find menus from the most common Nepali, Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, Western, and Continental foods here. Then in Simikot and Dharapuri, you can pick up the foods from the teahouses’ limited items menu.

Similarly, as you will have to camp from Kermi, the food for the rest of the trek will be freshly prepared by the tent cook.

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